Advent of Islam and
Ever since the advent
of Islam in Kashmir in 1339 A.D. the Hindus, who
are the original inhabitants of the Valley, have
from time to time faced tyrannics of the Muslim
rulers in various forms who imposed taxes,
perpetrated the most barbaric methods of torture,
brutalised and killed them in thousands, forced
their females into marriage and males into
conversion, desecrated and demolished their
temples and built mosques over them and forced the
remaining Hindus into exile. These people faced
the trauma of exodus from the valley repeatedly,
living in the wilderness of remote areas and
jungles till such time as the hurricanes of
religious bigotry and persecution calmed down a
little and some of the exiles returned to their
homes. In the wake of each exodus the community
suffered untold hardships, mutilation, death and
destruction and its numbers in the Valley of
Kashmir dwindled at a staggering rate, reducing
the community to a minority in its own land.
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