State of Jammu and Kashmir
Jammu and Kashmir State
is a conglomeration of heterogeneous geographical
regions inhabited by diverse but distinct ethnic,
religious and linguistic people. Out of a total of
nearly 84000 square miles of the State, the Valley
of Kashmir accounts for about 3000 square miles.
Nearly a third of the State was annexed by
Pakistan during the invasion of 1947 after
partition of the subcontinent. Ladakh, the largest
segment of the State is thinly populated, mostly
by the people of the Budhist faith, and the
neighbouring Kargil by Muslims. The Jammu province
has a predominant Hindu population with some of
its districts evenly represented by both Hindu and
Muslim communities. The Valley of Kashmir is
predominantly Muslim with a small representation
of Hindus and Sikhs. The Hindus of Kashmir Valley
are essentially Kashmiri Pandits.

Map of Jammu and Kashmir.
2,22,236 sq. kms. out of which 78,114 sq.
km. is under illegal occupation of
Pakistan, 5,180 sq. km. illegally handed
over by Pakistan to China, and 37,555 sq.
km. is under illegal occupation of China. |