Kashmiri Hindus
are now in their fourth year of exile. (Editor's
note: 13th year currently). Called as
"migrants" by the admintration, in fact
they are refugees in their own country due to the
total failure of the Indian State to provide
security and safety to them when they were
ruthlessly persecuted, threatened, tortured and
murdered by the terrorists.

One of the refugee
camps at Jammu.
distinct ethno-religious community, which is
ancient and aboriginal to the valley of Kashmir,
is not only facing dispersal and disintegration
but total extinction. It is languishing in the
camps which are not worth habitation even of
animals. They are at the mercy of elements and are
repeatedly being swept by rains blown away by
winds and scorched by the Sun. They are also at
the mercy of the cruel, corrupt and prejudiced
administration with which they have to fight for
pittances of relief that is distributed and
disbursed under ever changing, intricate,
cumbersome and stringent rules and regulations.
whole process is painful, protracted and
humiliating and worse than begging. Indifference
and hatred, adhocism and procrastination rule the
roost and expose the design of the administration
to humiliate and hurt this proud community. In
fact, the administration that rules the community
even in its exile is but an extension and
perpetuation of the same set-up that had shaped
its tragic destiny while it was in the valley. The
whole scenario smacks of a deliberate, wilful and
cruel conspiracy to disperse and destroy the
peace-loving Kashmiri Pandits.