is Homeland?
is a place, a region or a country which is native
to a people and where the people or the community
is essentially indigenous. It is an area which
naturally belongs to them by virtue of birth,
habitation and evolution over a long period of
time spanning centuries and millennia. The longer
a community has made a place its abode and the
wider and deeper it takes roots, the stronger are
its bonds and commitments to that place and the
greater is the resolve to retain it and preserve
its integrity. Over a period of generations, the
community builds physical, emotional and spiritual
relationship with that region. Just as a home
gives a sense of belonging to an individual so a
Homeland generates a feeling of roots, a sense of
identity and an umbrella of security to its
people. The two are inseparable and the
rebtionship is sanctified by the sacrifices of the
people, affirmed by history and hallowed by time.
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