Facts Speak
Too much of everything is
bad; and that is how pampering and overzealous
concern for the Muslims in the Valley of Kashmir
have led them to committing wrongs against the
nation, its patriotic citizens and the soldiers
fighting for her integrity. They have learnt to
squeeze the maximum benefits from this nation and
yet collude with the secessionists, terrorists and
fundamentalists. After committing these wrongs,
they conveniently find a clout within the nation,
who goes out of the way, not only to blind the
truth, but also let loose a blatant disinformation
Right from 1947, the
Islamic forces in the Valley have been mustering
support from within and outside this country for
creation of NIZAM-E-MUSTAFA in the Valley of
Kashmir. The Kashmiri Pandit who was the only
remanant of Indianness in the Valley, therefore,
was the only resistance in the way of Islamic
Jehad. That is why his being hounded out from the
land of his ancestors became imperative in the
design of the secessionists.
It is in this background
that we shall like to put the record straight and
bring facts to light that shall speak for
All the statistics and
figures in the following work have been collected
from the different Departments and the published
works of the Government of Jammu and Kashmir.
We hope that you will
find the contents of this booklet relevant and
helpful in removing the dust raised by the
anti-national forces affecting as the
sole-contractors of Human Rights.
and Publicity Cell
Camp: Jammu
Cobwebs of
Apathy, Painted by Bansi Parimoo
The Valley is in the
thick of turmoil, the like of which, it has never
experienced since 1947. Terrorists, with all defined
objective of seceding from India, have engulfed the
whole Valley, and are finding favourable response from
all along the adjoining areas with Muslim majority in
the province of Jammu.
It is the Muslim fundamentalism
asserting itself at its peak, with an open support from
Pakistan and a tacit one from Saudi Arabia and Iran.
Americans, all along, contributed to this end as they
relentlessly poured in the most deadly and sophisticated
military hardware, into Pakistan, to protect its status
as a frontline state, and also under the pretext of
equipping Afghan Mujahideens. General Zia, as a shrewd
military general, squeezed as much aid from USA in the
name of Afghan Mujahids as possible. Indian
protestations were ignored both by the US and Pakistan.
Its dimensions and the
incidence thereof, on the Indian polity can hardly
escape the eye of a patriot.
Pakistan has vengeance to wreck
upon India. She failed to achieve its objective in the
earlier campaigns against India since 1948. The thrust,
this time, is quite different in nature and character.
It is the Kashmiri Muslim youth itself, who has been
involved and allured to take to gun from across the Line
of Actual Control. The whole gamut of insurgency in the
Punjab and later in Kashmir, is so well laid and planned
under the famous "Operation Topac" of late
Zia-ul-Haq of Pakistan to balkanize this country. It
To recruit and train Kashmiri
Muslim youth in the handling of sophisticated arms and
To subvert the Administration
& police in the state;
To hound out Kashmiri Pandits
from the Valley before engaging India into a
full-fledged war;
To break the inertia among the
Muslims of the state and to activise them to unleash
so-called holy war against the Indian Authority in
power. The "Operation Topac" could not afford
to allow factional groups among Muslims of the state to
exist any more, nor could it allow the existing
leadership in the state to remain intact.
Instead of directly involving
Pakistan in the operation against India, the terrorists,
trained in Pakistan and equipped with the most
sophisticated weaponry, are fighting a proxy war for it.
The present offensive against Indian state is or, the
choosing of fundamentalists and, therefore, the greatest
danger to the country's territorial integrity and its
secular polity.
The nexus between Pak ISI and
the Sikh terrorists in the Punjab, and Muslim terrorists
in the valley and between the terrorists of the two
states is established beyond any doubt.
In such a situation of near
civil war conditions, international mafia groups
especially that of Pakistan, rule the roost by helping
the underworld arms and drug traffickers.
One is surprisingly intrigued
to find the then political leadership at the helm in the
Valley play ducks and drakes to meet the situation
squarely. It cared little to shake off nonchalance and
indifference of Kashmir Armed Police; instead ordered
release of 70 hardcore terrorists. The Administration
from top to bottom obliged terrorists by heeding to
their calls - like observing civil curfew; effecting
blackouts on days of National importance and doing
illumination on the days like the l4th August - the
independence day of Pakistan. Jagmohan, the then
Governor of the state, in his letter to the Editor,
TIMES OF INDIA, Aug.1988, writes "The drum beaters
of Parochialism and fundamentalism are working over
time. Subversion is on the increase. The shadows of
events from across the border are lengthening. Lethal
weapons are on way. The face of Democracy is
increasingly being pimpled by exploitation. The overall
fabric shows too many loose threads, too many weak
The language of the gun was
heard loud and clear by all the Muslims alike. Some
conscientious patriots in the Administration and
security forces who felt challenged and tried to
discharge their duties, were done to death mercilessly
with cruel hatred, soon after they had offered their
Nimaz in a nearby mosque.
The Government at the winter
capital of the state turned a deaf ear to all this,
knowing well that this callous behaviour of the
political leadership would do the gravest damage to the
Nation in many ways more than one, like :-
- a) Erode the credibility of
the Government itself;
- b) Help mobilize mob support
for militancy among the masses;
- c) Help subversion in the
Administration & the police;
- d) Render the existing
leadership of the political parties redundant;
- e) Rally support for the
liberation of Kashmir from India;
- f) Convert mosques as the
centres of Activity for militancy and terrorism;
- g) Embolden women volunteers
to mobilize support for the so-called Jehad under
the women militant organisations like "Dukhtaran-
- h) Prepare Muslim parents to
succumb to militant pressure and spare a male child
each to take to militancy and gun culture;
- i) Embolden terrorists to
establish their credentials among the masses;
- j) Encourage raising of
funds for the "Jehad against India";
- k) Prepare and train masses
to flout the law of the land and to take law in
their own hands;
- l) Prepare masses to get
used to terrorism and withstanding government
retaliation as and when it came, and
- m) Letting people believe
that the days were not far off when 'Nizam-e-Mustafa'
shall be realized and Indians driven out from the
soil of Kashmir.
There have been secret directives
sent by the word of mouth far in advance by six months,
that people should stock essential commodities to
effectively face the long bouts of curfew imposed either
by civil authority of terrorists or by the Government.
The meticulous planning by the
terrorists is a so- called feather in their cap. They
acclimatized people with the gun culture by, firing in
the air, when the local police stood watching by in some
corner of the street; exploding bombs at vantage points
carefully, without effecting any damage to life. Some
times they burnt Indian Tricolour or Indian Constitution
at important crossing points, under the very nose of
security forces, who had no powers to act even under
gravest provocations. The CRPF & BSF had to function
under the local police officers. They could do nothing
but present a picture of law abidingness of the most
disciplined force in the world.
As the militancy of the
secessionists took roots, it turned the gun on CRPF
& BSF jawans intermittently in the down-town areas.
On the eve of Id-ul-Fitr in 1989 half a dozen of jawans
were done to death in the evening time when they were to
retire to their barracks. They looked to their senior
local police officers for orders but the latter stood
glum faced and tight lipped to issue any orders to act
in self defence. This was a wonderful example of
abetting with the secessionists!
Secessionist rnilitancy
measured strides till it engulfed the total Valley. The
wine shops were forced to be closed and so were cinema
halls, beauty parlours and clubs. The women were warned
that they must move about 'Burkha' clad or face the
punishment in accordance with Shariat Law. The foreign
money that had been pouring in since 80's had gone
unchecked at the hands of the authorities and its
utilization not kept under a watchful eye. Even when DIG
Kashmir was attacked at his residence towards the
beginning of terrorism and one terrorist got killed in
the encounter, fantastic stories were alleged to have
been cooked up to hoodwink the premature exposure of the
things to come. Call it an abetment or connivance on the
part of the authorities, it makes little difference. All
the same the guilt was there - it was with the leaders
of the treasury benches and the leaders in the
opposition, barring a few, who all knew what was in the
They all, almost in the same
vein traced the origin of this turmoil to unemployment,
backwardness, paucity of funds, corruption, rigging of
elections and what not. According to this leadership
Kashmir youth felt disgruntled and sick. If this were
the whole truth, why did not the youth other than
Muslims in Kashmir and the other two divisions namely
Jammu and Ladakh take to guns like their counterpart in
the Valley. A close analysis of the facts would bear out
that the Valley enjoyed a more hectic economic
development than did the other two divisions of Jammu
and Ladakh. Development in the state was more tilted in
favour of the Valley than Jammu and Ladakh. That is, why
different commissions, like Sikri Commission in 1979 and
Gajender Gatkar Commission in 1967 had to be appointed
to look into the lopsided development in Jammu and
Ladakh regions.
None of the Muslim leaders from
the Valley is still prepared to characterise the
uprising as fundamentalist, secessionist and communal.
The following data would go a long way to warn the
masses in the country not to fall prey to the systematic
and calculated disinformation campaign let loose by
different interested circles. The problem in Kashmir
Valley is not a problem of unemployment, nor is it a
problem due to exploitation, corruption and
backwardness. In fact terrorism in Kashmir is not for an
economic end but it is the fundamentalists striving hard
to snap the state's relations with India and secede to
Pakistan or stay independent with a political order of
Nizam-e-Mustafa. It is, therefore, a civil war in full
swing shaking the very edifice of accession of the state
with India. It is a campaign against Kafir (Infidel). It
is a movement to set the chain of Balkanisation in
motion, so that India as a state breaks and the two
nation theory is proved correct. It is an attempt to
embolden all fissiparous tendencies to work up towards
the dismemberment of the state. It is the most sinister
design ever launched by the enemies of the nation
internally & externally. It needs to be dealt with
firmly as a state ought to. Weaving of political process
will not do-it is the down right authority of the state
that should make itself felt. Dragging the nation's feet
along will do more harm than good. Indian Nation should
learn to live as a nation and resist and defeat such a
theocratic thrust. It must override all religious,
sectarian, fissiparous, regional and communal
It is not Kashmiri Pandit - a
miniscule minority - suffering, but it is a patriot
punished for holding fast to his patriotism. The nation
may afford to treat him callously but the posterity will
not forgive the nation for not holding fast to protect
the nationhood by securing and safeguarding the life of
true patriots.
To see the problem in its
entirety one needs to look into the figures of the Govt.
of Jammu & Kashmir which tell a tale of their own.
The total area of the state
including the area under POK, area under the illegal
occupation of China in Ladakh and area illegally handed
over to China by Pakistan, is 2,22,236 Sq. Kms. The area
under the illegal occupation of Pakistan & China
adds up to 1,20,849 Sq. Kms. The net area left over
works at 1,01,387 Sq. Kms. The break up of the area
& the population can be assessed by reference to the
tables I, II, III, IV, V, VI.
The tables furnished an
elaborate account of the District wise area, and the
persons living therein & also the %age population to
the total population. A keen perusal of the data
highlight some interesting features.
Population wise Kashmir
division is left with a slight edge over the other two
divisions of Jammu & Ladakh In fact, the population
of Kashmir division works at 31,34,904 while the
population of Jammu division is 27,18,113 & that of
Leh & Kargil put together is 1,34,721.
The population of Kashmir
division comes to 52.35% of the total population of the
state. The percentage of Jammu division & that of
Ladakh division work at 45.39 and 2.24 respectively of
the total population of the state.
The total Hindu population
comprises 32.24 percent of the total population of the
state, and the %age of total Muslim population and that
of Buddhists of the state works out 64.2% and 1.1%
respectively. The %age of total Sikh population to the
total state population works at 2.1.
The percentage of Kashmiri
Muslims to the total population of the state works at
49.7 and the %age of Muslim population of Jammu and that
of Ladakh to the total population of the state comes to
13.43 and 1.03 respectively. The Muslim population of
the Valley (Kashmir Division) to the total Muslim
population of the state is 77.46%.
The Hindu population of Jammu
account for 93.3% of the total Hindu population of the
The percentage Hindu population
to the total Muslim population of the state works at
The %age of Muslim population
of Jammu to the total Muslim population works at 2.05.
And the %age of Hindu population of the Valley account
for 6.42 to the total Hindu population of the state.
The %age Muslim population of
the Valley account for 94.7 to the total population of
the Valley. Likewise, the %age Hindu population of Jammu
comprise 66.32 of the total population of Jammu.
Percentage of Hindu population
of Kashmir is 2.07 of the total population of the state.
(As per Govt. Records).
The %age of Sikh population to
the total population of the state comes to 2.1 and the
%age Sikh population of Kashmir comes to 24.8 of the
Sikh population of the state. The Sikh population of
Jammu accounts for 74.2% of the Sikh population of the
Buddhists accounts for 1.15% of
the total population of the state, while they at the
same time, constitute 51.87% of the total population of
Another important feature that
comes to light is that the tendency of growth of
population in Jammu division is quite in the lead higher
than the other two divisions of the state between 1981
to 1985.
Kashmir |
Jammu |
Ladakh |
Births: |
217374 |
277588 |
5578 |
Deaths: |
74966 |
81179 |
2982 |
Survivals: |
l,42,408 |
1,96,409 |
2982 |
Table 5 depicts the Hindu
population at 1,24,078. This includes about 30,000
non-Kashmiri speaking Hindus. Thus, the Kashmiri
speaking Hindus number about 90,000 only.
The decinial growth of
population works up to 30% between 1971-81. If its effect
is extended to 1990, the increased number of Kashmiri
Pandit population will come to some 1,17,000 persons.
The population figures of the community as revealed on
account of exodus comes to about 2,50,000.
It is note worthy that the 1981
population figures of three divisions of J&K state,
surprisingly disturbed the political achelons of the
Valley, as it projected a higher growth rate in Jammu
region by reference to tables 7 & 8 (Source: Vital
Statistics Unit). This reflection of undergrowth of
Kashmiri Pandit population, all along, fitted into the
political machinations of the political circles in
The projected figures of
1,24,078 of Kashmiri Hindus constitutes about 3% of the
total population and about 6.4% of the total Hindu
population of the state (Table 6). But should the ground
fact, as borne out by the displaced population running
for their life to different parts of the country, plus
the residue still sticking fast in the Valley, be
trusted, the percentage figures would work out towards
higher side, (of Kashmiri speaking Hindus) viz-a-viz the
population figures of the state, as well as the total
Hindu population of the state. The Kashmiri Pandit,
thus, would account for 6% of the total population of
the state and 12.84% of the total Hindu population of
the State. This would make a revolutionary difference in
working out the share of Kashmiri Hindus in the jobs and
services in the State whether arrived at from a secular
or Communal point of approaches to development.
In case of a secular approach
to the economy and development, the percentage share of
the Kashmiri Pandits would be subject to no limit in
lieu of their 80% literacy as against 26.6% literacy
rate of the state as per the 1981 census. Even then, the
share of the miniscule minority in the state services
works out at 6% and not a figure of mere 3%. In case the
approach to development is taken on communal lines, the
Kashmiri Pandits ought to have a genuine share of about
13% among the Hindu population of the state. But none of
the two approaches are realized in case of Kashmiri
Hindus and census figures are manipulated against him.
The approach to development in
the J&K state seems to be guided more by communal
and regional considerations than in keeping with the
secular objectives in view. Factors like area,
availability of natural resources, transport facilities,
productivity of land, climate etc. are not the
considerations before the authorities in the state.
Instead the population factor only, that too viewed
through coloured glasses of religion and region,
determines the policy guidelines of the state to
But even this policy, as
pursued by the state Government, towards politics of
development, has led to imbalanced growth in Jammu &
Ladakh and also among various religious sections of the
population of the state. It is, thus, that the Kashmiri
Hindu has been meted out with a discrimination at all
levels. He has also been subjected to a barrage of
disinformation by the terrorists, Muslim politicians of
the state and by the Human Rights agencies like PUCL,
Committee for Independent Initiative on Kashmir and also
the ministerial factions of Union Ministry in
collaboration with the Muslim Members of the Parliament
from the state. The Congress-I, which shared power with
the National Conference headed by Farooq Abdullah, in
order to evade responsibility of such state of affairs
in the Valley, somehow found it expedient to rationalize
things by blaming the Kashmiri Pandits.
A peep into the figures of
Table 7 brings to light some of the interesting facets
of the three divisions of the state. Jammu division
accounts for 3614 villages (inhabited and uninhabited
together) whereas Kashmiri division accounts for 2899
villages and Ladakh for 242 villages. The net area
irrigated in the three divisions put Kashmir on the top
with 20195 hectares followed by Jammu division at 8906
hectares and Ladakh division at 1860 hectares. The net
area sown in the three divisions put Jammu at top with
37222 hectares followed by Kashmir division 34090
hectares and Ladakh division with 1860 hectares.
The following Table clearly
bears out the contribution towards the food stock by
Jammu division which accounts for nearly 1.5 times more
than that of the Kashmir division.
Again by reference to Table 7
at indicator No.ll showing districtwise forest area of
the state, wherein Jammu accounts for 12,166.04 sq. kms.,
Kashmir covers only 8,776.62 sq. kms. Even in respect of
live-stock, Jammu accounts for 33.76 lacs whereas
Kashmir & Ladakh account for 21.63 lacs and 4.19
lacs, respectively, as per live- stock population census
thousand Qtls.) For the year 1985-86
Division |
Rice |
Maize |
Wheat |
Cereals |
Pulses |
foodgrains |
Kashmir |
4287 |
1261 |
11 |
7 |
188 |
5754 |
Jammu |
1584 |
3678 |
2678 |
141 |
92 |
8173 |
Ladakh |
Nil |
Nil |
32 |
72 |
5 |
109 |
5871 |
4939 |
2721 |
220 |
285 |
14036 |
The dissipation of public
utility facility is considered to be a hallmark of
developmental benefits acquired by the people of a
state. In this sphere, Jammu and Ladakh divisions lag
far behind as compared to the Kashmir division. Whereas
Kashmir division accounts for 95.6% rural
electrification (as per 1986-87), Jammu and Ladakh
account for 82.02% and 38.5%, respectively.
Similarly villages benefitted
under Public, health engineering (ending 1985-86)
account for 2125 villages in Kashmir, 1987 in Jammu and
only 88 villages in Ladakh.
Another glaring imbalance among
the three divisions of the state is borne out by the
figures showing Road length maintained at the end of
year 1985-86. Kashmir province accounts for 5286 kms. as
against 3840 kms. in Jammu and 1131 kms. in Ladakh.
(Please see Table 8).
The medical institutions of all
types at the end of 1985-86 available in the three
divisions read 966 in Kashmir, 1113 in Jammu and 235 in
Ladakh. The Kashmir division enjoys a further edge in
having the Sher-i-Kashmir Medical Institute at Soura; a
separate maternity hospital and a separate Bones and
Joints Hospital. (All the above statistics are from the
sources of Planning and Development department &
Area Planning Division of J&K state.)
There has been phenomenal
increase, both in the deposits received and the loans
advanced by the financial institutions in the state
since 1961. Table 10 shows a steep rise over two and a
half decades, as per the RBI source indicated in
"J&K Govt. Digest of Statistics 1985-86"
issued by Directorate of Economics and Statistics,
Planning and Development Departments.
Whereas the deposits with the
scheduled Commercial Banks amount to Rs.43,157 lakhs.
The advances granted amount to Rs.22,778 lakhs
comprising 52.7% of the deposits in Kashmir, deposits in
Jammu Region amount to Rs.11,156 lakhs, a 30.3% of the
deposits in Jammu. The Percentage Advances to its
deposits work at 12.1% in Ladakh.
Jagmohan's letter to the
Editor, Times of India, in respect of finances, makes it
amply clear that Dr. Farooq Abdullah's statement is also
misleading. In case of Jammu & Kashmir, per capita
financial assistance from the centre is far above the
national average. It is getting 2.5 percent of total
grants disbursed by the Centre, while its population is
0.8% of the Country's population. Its 5 year plans are
wholly financed by the Central Govt. Its administrative
expenditure is the highest in the country. Wage bill
itself consumes 43% of non-plan Expenditure.
If Death & Birth rate are
any indicators of prosperity of a people and highlight
availability of basic necessities of life to them, a
quick glance through Tables 12, 13, 14, 15 would serve
as an eye opener. The total details registered between
1981 and 1985 figure out as :- a)
74966 in Kashmir division, b)
81179 in Jammu division, and c)
2596 in Leh and Kargil.
One needs to remember that Kashmir
represents 52.3% of population of the state, when Jammu
division & Ladakh division account for 45.23% and
2.3% of population of the state respectively.
As against this live Births
registered by districts in the three divisions state a
different tale. The total increase in the Kashmir
division accounts for 217374, when the increase in
births in Jammu division accounts for 277588 and in
Ladakh division 5578. The Kashmir division is better
placed in respect of both death rate and birth rate
registered between 1981 and 1985. Jammu & Kashmir
state has been showing a better performance on account
of birth rate & death rate when compared to all
India performance. As per the statistics furnished by
Directorate of Economic & Statistics, Planning &
Development Department - J&K in Indian Economy of
J&K government Jan 1986, the following table has
been worked out:
S. No. |
Indicator |
Unit |
J&K |
National |
1. |
Birth Rate |
Per 1000 |
31.4 |
33.6 |
2. |
Death Rate |
Per 1000 |
8.6 |
11.9 |
Besides, the developmental
activities are indicated by the per capita income growth
& the growth in net domestic product at a constant
as well as current price level. In this respect one
marks a continuous rise of net domestic product of the
state in terms of crores of rupees from 249.59 to 458.10
at constant price of 1970-71 in 1985-86 (quick), and,
the growth registered in this behalf at current price in
1971-86 has been Rs. 249.59 crores to Rs. 1479.49 crores.
Similarly, the per capita
growth registered between 1970-71 to 1985-86 has been
Rs.548.00 to Rs.2204 at current price and Rs.548 to
Rs.8683 at constant price of 1970-71. All these
indicators point towards a better standard of living in
the state as a whole, especially in Kashmir division of
the state. The fact that almost every family has a
shelter, far far better provision of clothing to
withstand the ruts of wintry weather, & also
consumption of better protein diet of mutton, chicken,
eggs, fish, pulses & vegetables in the Valley
including a higher standard of living being enjoyed by a
Kashmiri than does his counterpart in the rest of the
country. As far the medical care and consumption of
patent medicines, Kashmir division is second to none in
the federal state of India. Jammu and Ladakh divisions
are still given to indigenous methods of treatment to
health and disease.- The shoe wear in the valley is
superior order to that of any other state of the
The argument, therefore, that
Kashmiris have a cause to foment such a turmoil does not
hold water. As the data speaks for itself, the unrest,
among the people & the youth ought to have unleashed
itself in the Jammu and Ladakh and least of all in
the Kashmir division. The Plea that present turmoil in
Kashmir is the consequence of poverty, unemployment,
backwardness & paucity of funds to promote economic
activity is nothing but a wanton disinformation
unleashed by the interested circles both at the state
& central levels.
As far the corruption &
rigging at elections, the blame lies squarely on the
vested interests in the state. No government, at the
Union & State level since Independence, can escape
the blame for it. They have been the culprits of gravest
offence and need to be punished rather than, time and
again trying to restore them back to the seat of power,
under the pretext that political process be initiated to
arrest the alienation of the Muslims of the Valley. And
every time, when a searching eye in the centre looks
around, the Valley Muslims appear to be secular, who
everytime, while in power trampled the secularism under
their feet.
They, when irked by inquiring
attempt into their misdoings by the central authority,
raise their contemptuous voice against India from the
rostrums of holy shrines and mosques. As chief ministers
they value the chairmanship of Auqaf higher than their
posts of authority & political power. Vested
interest groups, at such junctures, when the
sovereignity and integrity of the country is threatened,
in order to dodge the appropriate action to be taken to
foil such attempts, crop up their heads and demand
political process to be initiated to find solution to
such vexing problems only to stall the administrative
measures so badly needed to set things right. Such
groups function against the national interest on behalf
of the forces inimical to the nation and its integrity.
They fight no shy to raise a storm of disinformation in
order to confuse the issues.
A four member Committee for
Independent Initiative for Kashmir claims to have
visited the Kashmir Valley from March 12 to 16, 1990 and
absorbed the whole gamut of causes and the incidence of
security forces dealing with the forces of secessionist
terrorists. The committee felt concerned:
a) for denial of fundamental
rights, granted to people under the Constitution of
b) for failure of parliamentary
forces to contain terrorism; and
c) for alienation of people
from the Indian Govt.
The team suggested certain
measures, which according to them would improve the
conditions if adopted by the National Front Govt. They
wanted the Govt. to: (i)
Recall the Governor - Jagmohan; (ii)
Withdraw all para- military forces; (iii)
Discontinue the curfew-Raj; (iv)
Investigate into the excess of paramilitary forces; and
(v) Follow it up with a political
The Committee needs to be
thanked for not pretending any solutions to the present
turmoil and for feeling that the problems have been
accumulated over the decades since Independence.
But the committee ought to have
taken trouble to know that the spirit behind Art. 370 as
envisaged and incorporated after Delhi Agreement
strictly opposed the extension of Fundamental Rights to
the state as enshrined in the Indian Constitution, as
this would not have enabled the State Govt. to effect
extra-ordinary agrarian reforms. The ownership of the
land could not have been shifted to the tiller without
compensation; nor could the debts be cancelled outright,
as was done by the Debt Cancellation Board in the state.
The Art.310 did not allow the
jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of India to be
extended to the state, nor did it allow the jurisdiction
of the Election Commission of India to the state. The
State Govt. enjoyed unquestioned power over the people
of the state in favouring or denying the Fundamental
The impeding inherent
characteristics and the incidence thereof on the
political climate of the State, drove G.M. Sadiq, the
then Chief Minister, in 1964 to initiate certain
amendments in the state constitution and introducing
some scope of Fundamental Rights. These changes allowed
the freedom of thought and expression and some scope of
redressal of grievance of the citizens at the
unassailable and incorruptible Highest Court of
Authority in the country. It also allowed the Election
Commission to protect the free and fair rights of the
citizens at the polls. This by all means was a
progressive step which the orthodox Muslim leadership
and some regional parties have been calling as the
dilution of the autonomy of the state. These very
elements whose slogan is "back to the position of
1953" are opposed to any scope of Fundamental
Rights to its citizens and, in the name of more freedom
and autonomy, shall like to create an Islamic State.
The secessionists are for
"Nizam-e-Mustafa". The Muslim youth who have
taken to gun are on a war-path to throw off the shackles
of 'Indian domination'. They are righting a holy war to
free themselves from the secular bondage of India. They
are against India not because as alleged that they are
unemployed, or that they are poor, or that India did not
place unlimited funds at the disposal of the State
Govt., it is not denial of Fundamental Rights that has
driven them to such a pass according to the Islamic
canons, there are rights as are allowed to Musalmans
only in keeping with the Muslim law, what is fundamental
to the secular modern state in terms of rights and
duties is Paganism and the law of Infidel in Islam - but
it is to seek "Azadi" from such law and Rule
of Law that the Kashmiri terrorists are fighting for.
As for the functioning of the
para-military forces, one must bear in mind that they
are discharging their duties in absolutely hostile
conditions, where they are not sure about their life
even for the next moment. The local administration is
against them. The instances of the involvement of the
local police and intelligence with the terrorists is not
an exception. The local politicians are out and out to
denigrade and demoralize them. And the Pak ISI is
meticulously conducting the whole campaign against
India, both from inside and outside the state, from
Pakistani soil and from the capital of India.
The only patriot and the link
in this letter of accession of the Valley of Kashmir
with India has been Kashmiri Pandit. He is the real son
of the soil. It is he who has been making positive
contribution to both pre-independence and
post-independence political history of the state. The
enactment of State Subject provision during Maharaja's
time has been due to the struggle of Kashmiri Pandits.
The National Conference politics cannot ignore the role
of scores of secular and progressive Kashmiri Pandits.
Without Kashmiri Pandits National Conference would have
continued to remain Muslim Conference.
It is a misnomer to say that
Kashmiri Pandit has been hounded out from his native
land today only; in fact, ever since Independence and
even centuries before that he has been suffering
persecution at the hands of the majority community and
their fundamentalist leadership. In the recent past,
that is after 1947 and prior to the present mass exodus,
more than 2.5 lacs of Kashmiri Pandits have been forced
to bid farewell to their homeland and find settlements
in different parts of India and foreign countries. If
all those Kashmiri Pandit State Subjects who at present
are away from Kashmir are put together and called back
to the Valley, they shall form a sizeable proportion,
over five lacs in number. They would automatically gain
a political clout which is being constantly taken care
of by the shrewd muslims of the state by not releasing
the thrust of persecution on him least he should become
"a factor in the politics of the State". His
population figures are a source of worry to the Muslims
of the Valley and as such has always been manipulated in
the census findings, otherwise how could a people
numbering approx. 1.15 lacs in 1981 multiply at an
amazing rate and become more than 2.5 lacs as revealed
by the statistics after the exodus in a matter of nine
years; nevertheless, the fact remaining that ever since
Independence the number of Kashmiri Pandits in the
Valley was always on decline due to a continuous but
slow migration.
Kashmiri Pandit who is the true
son of the soil and the real representative of the
Kashmiri tradition and culture both original and the
composite, is an enigma for the proponents of "Kashmiriyat".
These proponents of Kashmiriat, who have succeeded in
imposing a graft of characteristics essentially Islamic
in content on the original culture of Kashmir, have
always found themselves entirely puzzled and fumbling
when dealing with the existence of Pandits. The very
presence of the Pandit is a challenge to attempt a total
Islamisation of the Valley and its cultural traditions
that are fundamentally Hindu in essence and a distinct
yet essential component of the larger Hindu ethos. Such
endeavours at Islamisation are attempts to annihilate a
Culture - a distinct way of life of the Paradise on this
Kashmiri Pandits represent the
cult of Shaivism which knows no bondage of orthodox
Hinduism and casteism. His dress and diet tell him out
from the Hindu Brahmins elsewhere. He is a Sarswat
Brahmin, who is head and shoulder above the narrow
notions of pollution and untouchability. He has a lust
for knowledge and is a supporter of both formal and
informal schooling. Though suffering from the ills of
educated unemployment yet he does not give up his quest
for education. This is his liability as well as an
Even in the worst of it, when
he is tossed down the plains by the present exodus, his
gravest concern is the education of his children. He
needs to be understood. He can take away nothing from a
people, but instead has much to lend by way of his
talent to know and let know. The only demerit he carries
is that he does not have a political clout. He is envied
for his intelligence.
This may be the halo woven
round him for which he is some times abhorred. He shall
have to strive to live. The patriotism that becomes his
undoing may not stay as a virtue with him longer enough
in the future course of history for he is callously
penalised for it. He feels himself like Hangul a species
in danger of extinction.
He is charged of having grabbed
vantage positions in the services of the state. It is an
absolute lie fabricated to create an awe against him.
With almost 80% literacy, he should have been ruling the
roost in absence of any competition worth the name. The
community does not fill up more than 4% posts in the
state services. Of about 2,10,000 employees of the state
government he hardly counts for 8500 in number. Under
all circumstances of unmanipulated numbers, as has been
evident on account of exodus and the registration of
families in Jammu and other places, his share in the
state services should have been around 6%.
His vertical, as well as,
horizontal movement in the services has been so
restricted that he feels stifled. In the dissipation of
Education and knowledge in the state his contribution
ought to have been acknowledged. But this has been his
undoing; those who learnt at his feet, have also learnt
to trample him under their own.
The Committee for Initiative
must learn that it is only in this country that they
have been allowed to make their cause with the enemies
of the country. Freedom has been misused by the
terrorists & the Committee members alike.
The Initiative Committee's
suggestions, as to the effect of removing Jagmohan, and
punishing some security personnel for their excesses and
lifting of curfew in the Valley, have been implemented
without improving the situation as envisaged; instead,
it has proved counter productive.
The whole bureaucracy &
1,37,000 employees of the state services are siding with
the cause of the terrorists. In fact it is proved beyond
doubt that employees of the state and its bureaucrats
are spearheading the struggle for "Azadi".
As far as the suggestion of the
Independent Initiative Group regarding withdrawal of
security forces and initiation of a political process,
they seem to be one with vested interests who have been
responsible for the present state of affairs in the
Valley. The Initiative Group could not in a short period
of 4 days grasp the totality of the scenario with its
subtleties. Their attempt appears to be a play with
expediency, which often ends up in a fiasco. Their claim
to have moved from place to place between the short
intervals of curfew hours, and contacted vast majority
of people & also Kashmiri Pandits in presence of
terrorists as to know their cause of flight from the
Valley, they have nothing but bungled. After all, did
they ever expect frightened Kashmiri Pandits living
precariously between life and death to afford to educate
them on the inhuman & barbaric treatment meted out
to them at the hands of the terrorist fundamentalists as
infidels. All stories of Kashmiri Pandits, fleeing for
their lives to various parts of the country, are true.
The method employed by the terrorist outfits to hound
out Kashmiri Pandits from the Valley of his birth did
not follow a homogenous path. The heterogenity of the
devices used to this end of driving out the original
aborigines from his native land, leaving behind
everything, bears ISI stamp. It was so ingenius that one
could not locate a systematic design behind it, which
would bring discredit to "Jehad" at the outset
and its overtones would appear communal which was likely
to invoke international condemnation and at the same
time invite an organised crackdown at the very inception
of the movement for "Azadi". Besides, this
confusing methodology served as campaign of
disinformation among the intellectuals who instead of
maligning the terrorist militants through their
writings, felt, not so very hostile to them. That is why
the oft repeated enquiry caught the headline "why
did Kashmiri Pandits leave the Valley? What made the
Pandit leave their home and hearth behind?" Had
Jagmohan planned to ask them to leave? But by and by as
the different stories caught the imagination of the
people and the horrowing tales of conversion, killings,
torture and uncivilized tyranny, abduction,
strangulation, hangings and gang rapes and mutilation of
live bodies were brought to light the clouds of
disinformation against Kashmiri Pandit picked up
thinning. Everything appeared to this miniscule
community gloomy, dark and frustrating. The plight of
the members was worsened by the callous attitude of all
political parties save BJP. Their getting subjected to
tortuous hot climate of Jammu & Plains added to
their woes. They suffered sunstrokes, viral infections,
snake bites, under the open sky and scorching sun as
refugees, but resisted all attempts to return to the
Valley. For fear of death at that end made them to scoff
off the pressures to hound them back into the trap of
death and agony. The warnings of mullahs, through the
loudspeakers -fitted on top of the domes of the mosques
did not die for them even now. It was a horrifying
atmosphere to be in, where, ("Infidels" in
Islam had no place to survive) like sermons were poured
out and horrify the Hindu minority. It is an experience
which only those people can feel who had undergone such
a trauma.
The cruel killings of minority
community by one's or two's every day under the pretext
that they were informers could not but frighten the
community deeply to take to its heels. Parents, in far
flung villages, when mooted a proposal to wed their
daughters to suitable Muslim youth felt shuddered and
fled for life and honour during the cold dark nights of
January & February 1990 by whichever vehicle they
could get a lift. Others took the guts and hired trucks,
to carry their necessary luggage with, at exorbitant
rates of fares.
The cruel killings by Pak
trained militants paled the barbaric and tortuous
killings of Jews by Nazis, into insignificance. They
sprayed bullets from their AK- 47s on a minority
community victim to their hearts fill. They enjoyed the
torture deaths by causing cigarette bit burns on the
naked bodies of a Pandit victim abducted from his home,
office or a village. They teased him by pouring boiling
wax on the soft skinned parts of his body. As they never
felt satiated in meting out the punishment to a Kafir,
they hanged him by nearest tree at a crossing or
inflicted cuts on his body & watched him bleed to
In certain case they gang raped
a young Pandit lady & then like sex maniacs did her
to death by ripping open her body with a sharp edged
knife. Yet in other case they halved a young Pandit girl
into two with a saw. The nailing of bodies to death
after effecting hollowing of eyes & cutting the
tongue lips or ripping open the belly to let the
intestines fall out - tells a horrifying tale.
Since this booklet is limited
in scope, it is not possible for us here to present the
documentation carrying upto date lists and photographs of
the victims and other agonising details & horrifying
tales of unbriddled persecution & torture done to
Pandits individually as well as collectively by the
gun-wielders of the so-called "Azadi"
Movement. Such a documented information is separately
available & its perusal will be rewarding in
providing clear picture of truth, though it will cause a
shudder down the spine of the reader.
Most often your Muslim friend
or a neighbour would not let you know what was brewing
up against you in the neighbourhood mosque. They would
keep you in good humour till the time of the execution
of action by terrorists. That time none of them could
come to help you of their clutches. These are not the
imaginary versions of exaggerated accounts, but the true
happenings of heartrending nature. It is a depiction of
sadist fundamentalist philosophy in operation, fighting
a holy war to liberate them from Indian Union & its
infidel traces of whatever kind . It is an alien
operation in fully cry, there is nothing to be
alienated. Alienation of people, is a term used by the
cunning and the corrupt, when highlighting the excesses
of the security forces in the Valley. It is an
expression of fake concern for the people and country
when they know that secessionist fundamentalist
terrorists have a cause to fight for, they want "Azadi"
and the masses back them up by choosing to suffer for
this holy cause. Therefore, what is to be alienated? It
is a simple and straight matter of intolerance of other
creeds and faiths by Musalmans. After all how does one
interpret the essence of Jehad? What is the Jehad
against? Ultimate struggle is directed towards the
establishment of Nizam-e-Mustafa, where all other faiths
are relegated to the position of subjugation.
The article "Kashmir - a
deep-rooted alienation" by N.Y. Dole in Economic And
Political Weekly of May 5-12, 1990 while explaining the
Who Betrayed Whom'. And who created the present ugly
situation, Mr. Dole seems to be at pains to dish out the
version of Kashmiri Muslims that Kashmiri Pandits have
monopolized the state government as well as the Central
services in the state. This myth or a wanton
disinformation against the Kashmiri Pandits need to be
exploded so as to let the facts speak for themselves.
Kashmiri Pandit has been
quietly suffering for all these 42 years. The share of
Kashmiri Pandits in the state services for an
approximate figure of 8500, while that the Muslims in
the state services- number more than 137000 & the
rest constitute the share of Jammu & Ladakh put
Muslims in the state services
occupy the most important posts. In order to push up
Muslims to higher posts, there have been thousands of
supercessions which have been fought out in the High
Court of the State and also in the Supreme Court of the
Country. The famous suits against the state of Trilok
Nath Y/s Jammu & Kashmir State, Sh. M.L. Waza V/s
State and many others testify the process of elimination
of Kashmiri Pandits from the state services.
The state sought to create a
state administrative cadre of its own by conferring IAS
on in-service employees of the state at a rate of 50% of
the available vacancies. It also sought to confer IPS on
the in-service police cadre in the same proportion of
the vacancies available as in case of administrative
services. Thus the state created a strong Muslim
bureaucracy with a very thin number from Jammu &
Ladakh divisions of the state. There is hardly any
instance where one could say Kashmiri Pandit too availed
of this favour. Instead a couple of them in the IAS
cadre have earned it in the open competition by dint of
sweat of their brow. That is how granting of such
concessions to the state has landed the state
administration paralysed in the recent employees strike.
Pandits in the state service
account for around 4% in total, when their share ought
to have been in the vicinity of about 6% by the number
revealed by the figures available after the exodus at an
average of five members a family.
The Pandits have 80% literacy
rate compared to 26.67% of the state according to the
census figures of 1981. They should have been far
exceeding their number in the state services on the
strength of their literacy rate; but they have been
denied this right by the communal policies being pursued
by the Govt. in the recruitments. Or else, it could not
happen that Kashmiri Pandits would meet a failure at the
tests and interviews held for entrance into services and
professional colleges and trainings with all the merits
to his credit as against it he gets an easy pass at the
all India competition for the same. That is how the
Central Offices account for 3000 employees from among
the Kashmiri Pandit community. It is the second grouse
the Muslims of the state harbour against them. They
press for stopping even this channel of seeking
employment for them and have been asking to open the
doors in the Central services for Muslims of the state
with liberalised rules and regulations to fill up the
vacancies. The Muslims who have found their way into the
Central services like the Ordinance Deptt. of the
Defence, Election offices, UPSC, Financial Institutions,
AG's Deptt., CPWD, Postal Services, Doordarshan and AIR,
Central Excise and Income Tax offices, put together make
a far far greater proportion than the miniscule
community of Kashmiri Pandits. If a high level
commission is instituted to investigate into the
disinformation campaign against the Pandits the findings
thereby shall bear out the extent of their exploitation.
In one of his articles in a
local daily "Daily Excelsior" Aug'90, Mr. Hari
Om puts forth the following table showing the dominance
of the Muslim community in the state policy and
S. NO. |
1. |
Ministers |
6 |
0 |
0 |
2. |
of Political Party: |
Conference |
All |
None |
None |
Cong/Cong-I |
All |
None |
None |
Janata Dal |
All but one |
One |
None |
3. |
/ Comm. |
15 |
5 |
0 |
4. |
in Secretariat |
90% |
10% |
0 |
5. |
in Kashmir Division |
98% |
2% |
0 |
6. |
in Jammu Division |
40% |
60% |
0 |
There has been an undue
political weightage in favour of Kashmir since 1951
itself. A constituency in Kashmir was carved out on an
average population of 50,000 while the same was carved
out for a population of 85,000 in Jammu region.
The delimitation of
constituencies in Kashmiri Pandit dominated areas was
done so as to eliminate any edge to them to effect the
election of a candidate of their choice. The N.C. or
Congress-I never allowed Pandits to have a legislative
member of their choosing, though these parties put up a
Pandit Candidate from some different constituency, he
bore no representation of the community in the
legislative assembly of the state.
The political weightage
favouring the Valley Muslim ensured a chief minister
from Kashmir division. Even a Muslim from Jammu region
has not been allowed a right to this position of state
politics. The legislative strength of the three regions
represents the following order:
1. |
Kashmir-division |
42 seats |
2. |
Jammu-division |
31 seats |
3. |
Leh &
Kargil |
2 seats |
T O T A L |
75 seats |
The Valley enjoyed overall edge
over the other two divisions of the state (Jammu and
Ladakh) in respect of Agriculture, Industry &
The Govt. services are not
enough to depict the comparative share in employment of
various communities in the state. The figures furnished
by Saif-ud-din Soz, Member of Parliament from Baramulla
Kashmir, to the Independent Initiative Group to
highlight the so-called discontent among the unemployed
youth of Kashmir, even if one were to trust these
figures, in the overall context, do not suggest that
Muslims have been given a raw deal. The Kashmiri Muslim
enjoys a far higher share in services when separated
from the Muslim population of Jammu and Ladakh.
In the same way to hoodwink the
discrimination done to Kashmiri Pandit sometimes they
count him with the total Hindu Population of the state
and at other times project him as a separate entity of
Hindu population of Kashmir. It is what suits the
majority community interests of the Valley. It is
essentially a subtle game of protecting their interests
in the long run. When viewed from this perspective
condemnation of terrorism in Kashmir is avoided by
Muslim majority leadership of the Valley. Instead this
leadership has been doing everything to embolden the
terrorists waging a civil war against India.
This leadership poses
"secular" undercover of a secular nomenclature
of a secular political party. But when it comes to
brasstacks they function communally. It is their double
standard that has baffled the leadership of all secular
and progressive parties at a national level. How does it
become that some of the kith and kin of such Muslim
leadership from the Valley are in the vanguard of
secessionists in action against India. No surprise,
therefore, that this leadership has not a single word of
sympathy for Kashmiri Pandit, in this hour of misfortune
and misery.
This leadership with overall
communal overtones is busy blowing the share of Kashmiri
Pandits in central services out of proportion. They
grouse his capabilities to seek these jobs in the teeth
of tough competition.
For any student of politics
& economics, employment is not confined to the limit
of service jobs in the Government offices alone, for
this constitutes a very small proportion of the
population. The Muslims of the Valley enjoy 98% share in
the employment of other sectors of its economy, like,
agriculture, industry, trade, transport &
communication and defence forces. In agriculture,
"The Naya Kashmir" aimed at revolutionary land
reforms and made the tiller the master of the land. The
Muslim employment in agriculture accounts for more than
98% in the Valley and Kashmiri Pandits lost the
ownership of the estates and constitutes less than 0.5%
in the employment of this industry.
The Horticulture Industry has
worked wonders. The total employment of majority
community of the state in Kashmir accounts for 20 lakhs
of persons on 4,80,000 holdings under orchards. The
share of Kashmiri Hindu engaged in the industries is
less than 1.5% of the total employment in the industry.
The Handloom Industry &
Handicraft Industry provide employment to 10666 persons
& 91941 persons in Kashmir Valley, respectively
according to the census figures of the Handicrafts
(1978-79). At the same time, handlooms industry in Jammu
provides employment to only 5539 persons and the
handicrafts industry accounts for employment to 6049
persons only in Jammu. The share of Kashmiri Pandits in
both these industries does not exceed even half a
percent of the total industry.
The membership of the handlooms
and handicrafts co- operative societies for 1985-86
works at 17776 in Kashmir region and 9199 in Jammu
The number of small scale
industrial units, formally registered with the
Directorate of Industries & Commerce, provides
employment to 46293 persons in Kashmir division, while
Jammu division accounts for 37333 persons and Ladakh for
23915 persons. Kashmiri Pandits share barely accounts
for 1% of the total employment in the industry.
Registered Khadi and Village
Industry provides a employment to 28110 persons and the
share of Kashmiri Hindus is negligible to be referred to
any consequences.
The Boat Industry provides
employment to a sizeable chunk of population in the
following order by the figures arrived at in l9B5-86
referred in J&K Govt. Digest of Statistics 1985-86,
issued by Directorate of Economics and Statistics:
S.No. |
Indicator |
No. of
Boats |
employed |
1. |
House Boats |
825 |
3300 |
2. |
Boats |
1152 |
2304 |
3. |
Boats |
480 |
960 |
4. |
Boats |
685 |
1037 |
5. |
Dongas |
275 |
825 |
6. |
Shikaras |
785 |
1570 |
4202 |
9996 |
The total employment in boat
industry does not have any share of Kashmiri Hindus at
The Hotel Industry in the state
involves thousands of people and Kashmiri Pandit hardly
figures anywhere therein.
The Road Transport Corporation
of the State Govt. provides employment to 6434 persons,
and Kashmiri Pandits do not account for even 1% in the
There is an acute shortage of
manual labourers in the Valley for developmental and
other construction purposes. Migratory labourers from
Bihar, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Orissa flow into
the different parts of the Valley and find wages ranging
from Rs.35 to Rs.70 per day. Due to short supply of
labourers, the Handicrafts Centre, run by Govt. in the
Valley, made provision for training candidates at
boyhood age and offered incentives to allure them to
come forth as apprentices. This amounted to exploitation
of child labour - a crime punishable under law.
Following is a comparative
study of the minimum wage rate approved by State PWD in
the state:
S. No. |
1981 |
1982 |
1983 |
1984 |
1985 |
1990 |
1. |
CL) |
35.00 |
37.50 |
41.00 |
50.00 |
52.50 |
80.00 |
2. |
CL) |
32.50 |
N.A. |
35.00 |
42.50 |
45.00 |
72.00 |
3. |
CL) |
35.00 |
37.50 |
41.00 |
50.00 |
52.50 |
80.00 |
4. |
32.50 |
N.A. |
35.00 |
42.50 |
45.00 |
72.00 |
5. |
14.00 |
16.50 |
18.75 |
22.50 |
24.00 |
32.00 |
One feels prompted, as a member
of this endangered community, to put the record straight
and marshall facts from the very Govt. sources to
counter the disinformation campaign let loose by the
Muslim vested interests against Kashmiri Pandit
community to malign it. It is also, for this community,
to take stock of the facts and decide for themselves how
to survive. The plight of Kashmiri Pandit is his - he
has been hounded out from his homeland, leaving behind
his property worth crores of rupees. He has been living
a subjugated second class citizen's life, compromising
with his miseries; for he was aware of the non-chalance
of his compatriots in the rest of the country. With no
political clout and presence of vested interests all
around, Kashmiri Pandit community must learn its own
lessons, and decide whether to wait for the time to
return to his homeland or get absorbed in the vistas of
this vast country and let some other people hold the
fort for secularism and patriotism in his native land of
dreams. As of today, Paradise stands lost to this
endangered species of mankind.
Sq. Kms. |
(i)POK |
Sq.Kms. |
Sq.Kms. |
Sq.Kms. |
Sq.Kms. |
POPU.%age |
3984 |
656351 |
10.9622241013 |
1398 |
404078 |
6.74881822443 |
2228 |
708328 |
11.8303320529 |
4588 |
670142 |
11.1925582252 |
1371 |
367262 |
6.13392582309 |
2379 |
328743 |
5.49059030572 |
15948 |
3134904 |
52.3584487328 |
3097 |
943395 |
15.7563672579 |
4550 |
453636 |
7.57652459193 |
11691 |
425262 |
7.10262854142 |
2651 |
369123 |
6.16500781893 |
2630 |
302500 |
5.05228572922 |
1674 |
224197 |
3.74448695416 |
26293 |
2718113 |
45.3973008935 |
45110 |
68380 |
1.14206710136 |
14036 |
65992 |
1.1021832722 |
59146 |
134372 |
2.24425037357 |
101387 |
5987389 |
100 |

1802832 |
804637 |
100164 |
1141 |
1514 |
7778 |
47 |
2718113 |
124078 |
2976932 |
33117 |
189 |
62 |
466 |
0 |
3134904 |
5338 |
61882 |
334 |
68376 |
0 |
237 |
5 |
134372 |
1932248 |
3843451 |
133615 |
69706 |
1576 |
8481 |
52 |
5987389 |
1.%age OF TOT
64.19243 |
2.%age OF
32.27196 |
49.72003 |
2.072322 |
77.45466 |
6.421432 |
13.43886 |
93.3023 |
29.60277 |
66.3266 |