July 1st-August 15th, 2000

A Kashmiri Leader

By Pt. Kashyap Bandhu

One of the discerning boons that our country was blessed with in 1931 was the establishment of ‘leader industry’. At the outset this ‘industry’ was the monopoly of two ‘directors’, Sheetalnath and Pather Masjid. But, now the ‘directors’ have lost their hegemony as every house hold has started churning out various brands of leaders. Kashmiris labour under the idea that the ‘tea industry’ is profit-yielding. Some Gandhians aspire to broad-base it by transforming it from ‘personal industry’ into ‘spinning wheel industry’ and have unleashed a tide of propagan is in this behalf. What is interesting is that government spurns it out of sheer spite. Normally government waxes eloquent on the industrial enterprises in its administrative and official reports.

But it has not made even an oblique reference to the ‘leader industry. Despite government indifference and cold apathy it is thriving in our country at a faster rate. That day is not far when this industry will touch a lofty height and attain an unimaginable glory. The types of goods churned out from the industry can be labelled under various brands, the top brand being ‘hundred per cent leader’.

This industry manufactures countless ‘toy like leaders’, who are as cheap and fare us the Japanese toys are. In their manufacture various materials are used, their upper layers are hard and solid lest they should break and give way. Softer substances are used under the cover of harder ones like wood, stone et al. Such toys can be seen littering over the tables of a clerk, a head clerk and an office superintendent and are also put on an exhibition in the drawing-rooms of big-wigs. Poets have woven poems and paens with these toys as their central theme. Some directors have researched the substances of these leaders and come to the conclusion that if a clerk was plagued with a transfer, he would earn, an immediate reprieve by reference to such toy-like leaders.But this plague is quite rampant and such a prescriptin is not efficacious now.

‘Khwaja-like leader’ is another commodity of this industry. The present day nawabs and their women-folk live in their ivory towers which can be well-guarded by these servile leaders. They do not permit a shray bird to perch there. They shove away a human being if he dares enter and interfere. Vested interests have emerged among ordinary populations of Hindus and Muslims, who as a matter of policy are to be kept at bay. This task is diligently performed by the ‘Khwaja-like leaders’ by erecting a rampart between the vested interests and Muslim-Hindu folks. They are faithful and are always at the beck and call of their masters. They guard the ramparts faithfully and the opinion of their masters is that they are a useful commodity and serve their interests efficently.

‘100% leaders’ have attained adulthood under the shadow of the k.. and the vedas. They have declined into old age while murmuring the try of ‘100% Hindu leader’ and ‘100% Muslim leader’. With the setting in of every season these people take a ‘religious purgative’ and feel an intestinal discomfort out of patriotic sentiments. The merciful God finally relieves them of pain and discomfort. Leaders of this brand deem it necessary to formalise their ties with heaven and heavenly beauties for purposes of nation’s salvation. As they are troubled by poverty of the poor, hardships of the hard-ups and hardedness of the nakeds, their attention is to conceal their penury, hardship and nudity with the leaves of the Garden of Eden, which were used by Adam to hide his nudity at the time of his expulsion from heaven.

However, this industry is yet at its initial stages. They say that it does not seem to be set for manufacturing such commodities as fine to look at, economical, superior, lasting and durable. There may be a modicum of truth in it. But we should not forget that this industry is yet in its infancy. Therefore, there is every reason if the goods churned out from this industry are not competitive in the broader country wide market.

But in my opinion this industry is progressing well. As a matter of evidence reference can be made to Sardar Budh Singh Ji who is changing his under-wear for a bigger size and Sheikh Abdullah who is replacing his Turkish cap by a Gandhian model.